Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 248

I gave Disney a bath today using his new shampoo aftaer he bid his puppy shampoo goodbye.


  1. Ate Gita, aside from shampoo, do you use dog soap on your furkids? When we bathe our dogs we only use soap from their head to toe. Which is milder or better to use, shampoo or soap?


  2. madz, naku, im not quite sure which..i would guess kahit alin, basta make sure it is hiyang sa doggie diba... i siguro basta formulated for dogs talaga, there wont be much difference between the two...

  3. Thanks ate Gita, we're currently using Vanguard dog soap for them. Their hair don't seem that shiny kasi, we only bathe them once a week to avoid stripping their hair of shine too much, we also give them vitamins that is supposed to make their hair shinier but we don't see much difference.

    Hehe, thanks for the input! :)
